OUR Terms & Condition

1.  Quality of Materials

i) Advanced Quality Disclosure: Prior to any transaction or agreement, we will provide detailed information regarding the quality specifications of the materials listed on our trading portal. This includes comprehensive descriptions and relevant attributes outlining the nature and condition of the materials available for trade.

ii) Pre-selection of Quality Standards: It is essential for users to specify or select the desired quality parameters of the materials sought before initiating any trade. We encourage proactive communication regarding your quality preferences to facilitate accurate transactions.

iii) Commitment to Specified Quality: Our commitment to you extends solely to delivering materials that adhere to the quality standards explicitly communicated and agreed upon during the transaction. We assume responsibility for ensuring the materials match the quality committed to you during the trading process.

iv) Recycled or Reprocessed Material Disclaimer: Please note that the materials available on our trading portal may consist of recycled or reprocessed elements. Due to the nature of such materials, minor variations in quality (+/-) may occur. These variations are inherent in recycled materials.

v) Understanding Quality Tolerance: Recycled or reprocessed materials may exhibit slight variations in quality within acceptable industry standards. While we strive for consistency, it's important to acknowledge the inherent variability in recycled materials.

vi) Quality Assurance and Transparency: We uphold stringent quality control measures to maintain the highest standards possible. However, given the nature of recycled materials, nuanced differences might arise. Our commitment includes transparent communication and resolution of any quality-related concerns within the agreed-upon terms.

vii) Continuous Improvement and Feedback: Your feedback on the quality of materials received is essential. It assists us in continuously enhancing our processes and improving the overall quality of materials available for trading on our portal.


1. Clarity of material 

i) Material Specification from Testing: We commit to providing material specifications derived from the samples we have tested. These specifications will be based on rigorous testing procedures aimed at accurately representing the nature and quality of the materials available for trading.

ii) Variability Disclaimer: It's important to note that while we strive for consistency between the provided specifications and the actual cargo, we cannot guarantee a 100% match. Variations might occur between the tested sample and the entire cargo due to factors beyond our control, such as inherent variability in bulk materials.

iii) Understanding Variances: We aim to provide accurate and representative material specifications based on the tested sample. However, natural variations might exist within the larger cargo shipment due to factors like natural differences in materials or logistical handling during transportation and storage.

iv) Transparency in Representations: Our commitment includes transparency in presenting the material specifications derived from tested samples. We endeavor to provide the most accurate representation possible, acknowledging the inherent limitations in ensuring an exact match between the sample tested and the entire cargo.

v) Quality Assurance Measures: We maintain stringent quality control measures to minimize discrepancies between the tested sample and the cargo shipped. However, minor variances might occur, and we are committed to resolving any discrepancies within the agreed-upon terms.

vi) Feedback and Resolution: Your feedback regarding any discrepancies between the specified material and the received cargo is highly valued. We encourage open communication to address any concerns promptly and work towards a resolution satisfactory to all involved parties.

2. Responsibility of BSB

i) Commitment to Provided Material: We assume responsibility solely for the materials explicitly committed to providing during the trading agreement.

ii) Assurance based on Sample and Trial Load: If you have confirmed acceptance of the material based on the sample and trial load we provided, with complete specification and clarity, and upon receiving the full cargo, discrepancies are found where the material does not match the provided sample and trial load, then we hold responsibility for the deviation.

iii) Trial Load Evaluation: We encourage evaluating a trial load to ascertain compatibility with your machinery or intended use. If the trial load aligns with your requirements, we recommend proceeding with the purchase of the full load.

iv) Quality Assurance Process: We are committed to maintaining the highest standards in providing materials. However, variances might occur despite our stringent quality control measures. In instances where there is a significant disparity between the agreed sample/trial load and the received full cargo, we take responsibility for rectifying the situation within the terms outlined in the agreement.

v) Communication and Resolution: Open communication is pivotal. Should there be any discrepancies or issues regarding the material received compared to the provided sample/trial load and specifications, we encourage prompt communication to address and resolve concerns amicably and efficiently.

3. Good Return Policy 

i) Return Window: Buyers have a 30-day period from the date of delivery to initiate a return request for purchased materials.

ii) Return Conditions: Returns will be accepted only for materials returned in their original packaging, unused, and in the same condition as received. The materials must meet the condition specified during the sale.

iii) Return Shipping Costs: Both the buyer and seller will share the cost of return shipping for accepted returns.

iv) Material Suitability Determination: In the event that Buyer A claims that the material received, despite meeting perfect specifications and clarity, is unsuitable for their purposes, and subsequently, upon sending the same material to Buyer B, it is confirmed to be workable, any losses incurred and the transport from Buyer A to Buyer B will be the responsibility of Buyer A.

v) Quality Assurance Exception: If the received cargo material matches the quality, specification, and functionality as demonstrated in the sample and trial load provided, return requests will not be accepted for such materials.

vi) Return Process: To initiate a return, buyers must adhere to the specified return guidelines and contact our customer service within the stipulated 30-day return window.

vii) Refund Process: Upon receipt and inspection of the returned materials, refunds will be processed based on the condition and compliance with the return policy guidelines.

4. Packaging Material 

i) Weight Exclusion: The weight of the packaging material will not be deducted from the total weight of the materials purchased.

ii) Advance Packaging Information: Prior to the transaction, we will provide advance information regarding the type of packaging used, such as jumbo bags, 25 kg bags, 50 kg bags, or any other packaging specifications relevant to the materials being traded.

5. Pellets clarity 

In transactions involving plastic raw materials where pellets are utilized as packaging or carrier material, it's essential to accurately determine the net weight of the purchased material by deducting the weight of the pellets from the gross weight. The intent is to ascertain the precise weight of the raw material itself, excluding the weight attributed to the pellets used for packaging or transportation.

i) Weight Deduction: To accurately represent the net weight of the actual raw material purchased, the weight of the pellets, which serve as packaging or carrier material, will be subtracted from the gross weight. This calculation method ensures transparency and precision in determining the weight of the raw material.

ii) Price Calculation: Once the net weight of the plastic raw materials is established (gross weight minus pellets weight), the price will be calculated based solely on the net weight of the purchased material. This ensures that buyers are invoiced and charged solely for the actual material they receive, excluding the additional weight contributed by the pellets used for packaging or carrier purposes.

iii) Clarity for Buyers: It's imperative for buyers to understand that the pricing and invoicing are based on the net weight of the raw material after deducting the weight of the pellets. This practice ensures fairness and transparency in the transaction by charging buyers only for the actual material received, not the weight of the pellets.

6. Claim settlement Clarity 

When a claim is raised, it undergoes a prompt and thorough review by a dedicated team to ensure a fair and unbiased assessment. The settlement process operates under predefined terms and conditions, which are transparently communicated to all parties upon their onboarding to the platform.

i) Review Process: Claims are promptly reviewed by a dedicated team to ensure fair and impartial assessment. Our commitment is to address claims efficiently and transparently, adhering to the predefined terms and conditions established for claim resolution.

ii) Guidelines for Claim Submission: In the event of a dispute, the trading portal offers a comprehensive guide for claim submission. This includes clear instructions regarding required documentation, procedures, and timelines necessary for a smooth and efficient claim resolution process.

iii) Platform-Facilitated Negotiation: The platform serves as a facilitator for direct negotiations between parties involved in the claim, providing a structured platform for discussions aimed at reaching a mutually acceptable resolution.

iv) Impartial Arbitration Process: If necessary and in cases where direct negotiation does not lead to a resolution, an impartial arbitration process is available. This process ensures fair and impartial mediation by a neutral third party, leading to a timely and equitable settlement for all parties involved.

v) Transparency and Communication: Throughout the claim settlement process, transparency and clear communication are maintained to keep all involved parties informed about the progress and stages of the resolution.

vi) Compliance with Predefined Terms: All claim settlements are processed in strict compliance with the predefined terms and conditions established by the trading portal, ensuring consistency and fairness in dispute resolution.

7. Pre Clarity on Material 

Pre-clarity on material involves furnishing comprehensive details regarding the types and specifications of plastics available for purchase. The objective is to ensure utmost transparency concerning the quality and origin of the materials, facilitating informed decision-making for both buyers and suppliers and enhancing the efficiency of the trading process.

i) Detailed Information Provision: Our commitment involves providing extensive details encompassing the physical properties, chemical composition, and potential applications of the plastic raw materials available for purchase. This comprehensive information aims to empower buyers and suppliers with the requisite knowledge to make well-informed decisions.

ii) Transparency Benefits: By ensuring transparency in the quality and origin of materials, we aim to streamline transactions and foster trust between parties involved in trading activities on our platform. The availability of detailed material specifications aids in establishing clear expectations and reducing ambiguities in the trading process.

iii) Environmental Considerations: Recognizing the significance of sustainability, our platform emphasizes providing data on the environmental impact and recyclability of the materials. This information is crucial for businesses committed to adopting environmentally conscious practices and aligning with sustainable objectives.

iv) Empowering Informed Decisions: Furnishing accurate and comprehensive information about the plastics available for purchase is instrumental in empowering buyers and suppliers to make informed decisions that align with their specific requirements, whether it pertains to material quality, applications, or sustainability objectives.

v) Continuous Improvement: We are committed to continuously enhancing the quality and depth of information provided, aiming to meet evolving industry standards and the dynamic needs of our trading community.

8. Sample / lab test clarity 

In evaluating the sample or lab test clarity of plastic raw materials within a B2B setting, such as "BSB Fortrade LLP," several pivotal factors must be considered to ensure transparency and accuracy in the trading process:

i) Chemical Composition: Test results must comprehensively outline the material's chemical composition. This includes detailed information on polymer types, additives, fillers, and any other pertinent constituents. Clear documentation of the chemical composition enables buyers to make well-informed purchasing decisions by understanding the exact composition of the materials.

ii) Physical Properties Assessment: Thorough testing and documentation of the material's physical properties, including but not limited to strength, flexibility, thermal resistance, and other relevant characteristics, are imperative. These data serve as essential benchmarks for potential applications across various industries.

iii) Consistency and Purity Analysis: The test results should meticulously assess the material's consistency and purity across different batches. Ensuring each batch meets stringent quality standards is vital for suppliers to maintain trust and reliability in the marketplace. Consistency in quality enhances the credibility and dependability of materials offered on the trading platform.

iv) Transparency and Trust: Providing transparent and detailed sample or lab test results is fundamental for building trust between buyers and suppliers. Clear and precise documentation instills confidence in the materials being traded, fostering a robust and reliable trading environment.

v) Quality Assurance Commitment: Our commitment involves upholding high-quality standards by facilitating accurate and comprehensive sample or lab tests. This dedication ensures that the materials listed on our platform adhere to established quality parameters, fostering transparency and reliability for all stakeholders involved in the trading process.

9. Specification on Portal Clarity 

1. Material Composition: The specification should clearly state the chemical composition of the plastic, including any additives or fillers used. This information is crucial for buyers to assess the material's suitability for their specific manufacturing processes and end-product requirements.

2. Physical Properties: Details about the plastic's physical properties such as density, melting point, tensile strength, and elasticity should be included. These properties determine how the material will behave under various manufacturing conditions and in the final product.

3. Purity and Quality Grades: The purity level of the plastic raw material, including the presence of any contaminants or recycled content, should be specified. Quality grades (e.g., food-grade, medical-grade) are also important for buyers whose products need to meet certain regulatory standards.

4. Color and Transparency: For plastics where aesthetic qualities are important, the specification should include information on color consistency and transparency. This is particularly crucial for industries where the visual aspect of the product is a key selling point.

5. Packaging and Storage Conditions: Details about the packaging of the raw material and recommended storage conditions (such as temperature and humidity) are vital to ensure the material maintains its quality until it is processed.

10. Visual / Photo - Quality clarity 

In order to provide a comprehensive and accurate representation of the materials listed on our trading platform, the following visual and photo quality standards are recommended:

i) Video Resolution: Videos should be recorded in high definition (HD) with a minimum resolution of 1080p. This resolution ensures the precise capture of textures, colors, and finer details of the materials, enabling buyers and suppliers to accurately assess the product.

ii) Photograph Resolution: Photographs should have a minimum resolution of 12 megapixels. Adequate lighting techniques should be employed to highlight the true color and textural details of the materials. Close-up shots are recommended to showcase finer details like grain, consistency, and any imperfections present in the material.

iii) Close-up Shots: Both videos and photos should incorporate close-up shots to emphasize intricate details. These shots will enable a clear understanding of the material's quality, allowing buyers and suppliers to make informed decisions.

iv) Neutral Background: Utilizing a neutral background in both videos and photos is advised. This approach helps focus attention solely on the material, avoiding distractions that could misrepresent the product and ensuring an unbiased assessment.

v) Display of Imperfections: Imperfections or inclusions in the material, such as bubbles or foreign particles, should be clearly visible in the visual representation. Transparently displaying these details is crucial, as they may impact the quality and application of the plastic.

This detailed visual representation is intended to empower buyers, enabling them to make informed decisions regarding the suitability of the material for their specific needs.

11. Mix Color Regrind Clarity 

Mix Color Regrind refers to recycled plastics processed into regrind form, often comprising a blend of various colored plastics, resulting in a mixed or mottled appearance. It's important to note that the appearance and clarity of this material can differ significantly from virgin plastics due to its recycled nature and the blending process involved.

i) Appearance and Color Variations: This material typically exhibits a mixed or mottled appearance due to the combination of various colored plastics. The colors may appear muted or altered due to the blending process, showcasing a range of tones. The level of clarity can vary, typically ranging from semi-transparent to opaque, influenced by the types of plastics mixed and their original colors.

ii) Impact of Regrind Process: The regrind process, which involves grinding plastic scraps into smaller particles, affects the uniformity and overall visual quality of the material. The resulting mix color regrind may showcase variations in texture, consistency, and clarity due to this process.

iii) Value in Recycling Industry: Despite these inherent variations, Mix Color Regrind Clarity plastic holds significant value within the recycling industry. It serves as an environmentally friendly resource, offering an alternative for manufacturing while contributing to waste reduction and sustainable practices.

iv) Recycled Material Benefits: The utilization of Mix Color Regrind Clarity plastic supports environmental initiatives by reusing plastic waste, contributing to a circular economy, and promoting sustainable manufacturing practices. Its availability provides an eco-conscious option for various industries seeking recycled materials for their production processes.

12. Contamination Clarity 

Contamination clarity is essential when considering plastic raw materials due to the potential presence of foreign substances. These contaminants may comprise various materials, such as metals, alternative plastic types, or organic debris, substantially affecting the plastic's performance and safety.

i) Types of Contamination: 

· Some materials might exhibit minor debris, traces of oil, water, stickers, or similar contaminants that may not always be quantifiable due to the nature of recycled materials.

ii) Disclosure Efforts:

· While striving for transparency, it's important to note that recycled materials may exhibit certain differences in contamination levels compared to virgin materials.

· We endeavor to provide comprehensive details about potential contaminants. However, due to the nature of recycled materials, minor variations or unexpected contaminants may exist.

iii) Recycled Material Specifics:

· Recycled materials often undergo varied processes, making it challenging to completely eliminate certain contaminants present in the original materials.

· The nature of recycling processes inherently involves a level of uncertainty regarding minor debris or remnants from previous usage.

iv) Commitment to Quality:

· Despite these potential variations, we remain committed to providing accurate information about the known contaminants and ensuring efforts to mitigate such issues in recycled materials.

v) Continuous Improvement:

· We continuously strive to enhance our processes to minimize contamination and provide as much clarity as possible regarding the nature and extent of contaminants present in recycled materials.

13. Moisture Clarity 

i. Advance Information on Moisture Content:

· Notification of Moisture Levels: We commit to providing advance information about the moisture content in materials. This is particularly crucial for buyers to assess the suitability of the material for their specific needs.

ii. Best Effort Basis in Moisture Detailing:

· Acknowledgment of Variability in Recycled Materials: While we strive to offer accurate details regarding moisture levels, it's important to note that since these are recycled materials, some variability is inherent. We do our best to minimize discrepancies but cannot guarantee absolute consistency.

iii. Importance of Moisture Information:

· Impact on Material Quality: Understanding the moisture content is essential as it can significantly affect the quality and performance of the recycled materials.

iv. Transparency and Limitations:

· Commitment to Transparency: We are committed to transparency in disclosing moisture content but also want to make buyers aware of the potential limitations due to the nature of recycled materials.

v. Buyer's Responsibility:

· Buyer's Due Diligence: Buyers are encouraged to consider the provided moisture information as part of their assessment and are advised to conduct their own due diligence if moisture content is a critical factor for their usage.

14. Transit time - Clarity 

i. Transit Time Estimates: BSB Fortrade LLP commits to providing accurate and reliable estimates of transit times for all deliveries. These estimates are based on the current availability and operational conditions at the time of booking.

ii. Real-Time Updates: To facilitate effective planning for both buyers and suppliers, BSB Fortrade LLP will provide real-time updates regarding the transit status of shipments. This ensures transparency and allows for better coordination.

iii. Factors Affecting Transit Time:

· Booking Receipt Time: Transit time estimates are heavily influenced by the time at which the booking is received. Earlier bookings may result in more favorable transit times.

· Location-Based Variance: Transit times will vary based on the delivery location. Distances, local logistics infrastructure, and regional conditions will all be considered in the transit time estimation.

· Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA): BSB Fortrade LLP will provide an Estimated Time of Arrival for each shipment, considering all known factors at the time of dispatch. It is understood that this ETA is an estimate and may be subject to changes due to unforeseen circumstances.

15. Natural Calamities / Disaster Clarity 

i. Commitment to Operational Resilience: BSB Fortrade LLP acknowledges the challenges posed by natural calamities and disasters. We are dedicated to maintaining operational resilience during such events to minimize impact on our trading activities.

ii. Prompt Information to Stakeholders: In the case of disruptions caused by natural calamities or disasters, we ensure that both buyers and suppliers are informed promptly. Timely communication is crucial for effective management and response.

iii. Management of Trade Activities: Clear guidelines will be provided on how trade activities will be managed during times of natural calamities. These guidelines aim to balance the need for continued operations with safety considerations.

iv. Priority to Safety and Well-being: The safety and well-being of all stakeholders, including employees, buyers, and suppliers, are our top priorities during emergencies. All actions and decisions will reflect this commitment.

v. Emergency Response System: We have established a robust emergency response system to effectively mitigate the impacts of unforeseen natural disasters. This system is designed to respond promptly and efficiently in various emergency scenarios.

vi. Continuity Plans for Swift Recovery: Continuity plans are in place to ensure that normal operations can be restored as quickly and safely as possible. These plans are regularly reviewed and updated to adapt to changing circumstances and ensure minimal disruption.

vii. Encouragement of User Contingency Planning: We encourage all users of our platform, including buyers and suppliers, to develop and maintain their own contingency plans. These plans should align with our guidelines and ensure seamless business continuity during challenging times.

16. Rule Change Clarity 

i. Commitment to Transparency: BSB Fortrade LLP is committed to maintaining transparency in all its operations, particularly in the communication of any changes to the trading rules and policies. This commitment ensures that all interactions between buyers and suppliers are governed by clear and consistent guidelines.

ii. Notification of Rule Changes: Any modifications to the terms of service, transaction procedures, or other regulatory aspects of our trading platform will be announced with ample advance notice. This policy is designed to give all parties sufficient time to understand and adapt to these changes.

iii. Importance of Clear Communication: Clear and transparent communication is key in preventing misunderstandings and conflicts that might arise from sudden or poorly communicated policy shifts. Rule Change Clarity is therefore crucial for maintaining trust and efficiency on our platform.

iv. Detailed Explanations and Support: Alongside the announcement of rule changes, BSB Fortrade LLP will provide detailed explanations of these changes. If necessary, training materials or guidance documents will be made available to assist users in navigating the updated system.

v. Fostering a Reliable Trading Environment: By adhering to the principle of Rule Change Clarity, BSB Fortrade LLP reinforces its commitment to a transparent operational approach. This is fundamental in fostering a reliable and user-friendly trading environment, ensuring that all participants can engage confidently and efficiently.

17. Material availability Clarity 

i. Real-Time Stock Updates: The seller is obligated to provide real-time updates on the stock levels of various types of plastics, including but not limited to polyethylene, polypropylene, and PVC. This ensures that buyers have access to current inventory information to make informed purchasing decisions.

ii. Lead Times and Potential Delays: Information regarding lead times for material procurement will be clearly communicated. Additionally, any potential delays due to manufacturing or shipping processes will be promptly disclosed to buyers.

iii. Market Trend Disclosure: The seller commits to disclosing any regional or global market trends that could affect material availability. This includes changes in demand, supply chain disruptions, or environmental regulations that impact plastic production. Such transparency is crucial for buyers to anticipate and plan for market fluctuations.

iv. Supplier Inventory Updates: Suppliers are required to update their inventory status on the portal promptly. This practice is essential for maintaining the accuracy and reliability of the information provided to buyers.

v. Ensuring Informed Purchasing Decisions: By providing comprehensive and up-to-date information on material availability, lead times, and market trends, the seller enables buyers to make well-informed purchasing decisions, fostering a transparent and efficient trading environment.

18. Biding clarity 

i. Supplier Listings: Registered suppliers are authorized to list their plastic raw materials on our platform. Each listing must include detailed specifications of the material and a minimum bid price.

ii. Buyer Participation: Upon registration, buyers gain access to view these listings. Buyers are eligible to place bids on these materials, provided that their bids meet or exceed the set minimum price by the supplier.

iii. Duration and Closure of Bidding: The bidding period for each listing will be explicitly stated. This period defines the timeframe within which bids can be placed. At the end of this period, the highest bid that adheres to all the terms and conditions of the listing will be recognized as the winning bid.

iv. Oversight by BSB Fortrade LLP: BSB Fortrade LLP maintains the right to oversee the bidding process. This oversight is crucial to ensure that all bidding activities comply with relevant regulations and uphold fair trading practices.

v. Intervention in Bidding Process: BSB Fortrade LLP reserves the right to intervene in the bidding process if necessary. This intervention would aim to address any issues that arise, ensuring that the process remains fair and compliant with the established rules and regulations.

19. Sample Clarity 

i. Availability of Samples: BSB Fortrade LLP offers samples of plastic raw materials to potential buyers through our B2B portal, www.bsbfortrade.com. This service is aimed at facilitating buyers' evaluation of material quality and compatibility.

ii. Sample Request Procedure: Interested buyers are required to complete a sample request form available on the portal. The form will require buyers to provide details about their business and specific material interests.

iii. Approval and Dispatch of Samples: Upon approval of the sample request, BSB Fortrade LLP will dispatch a standardized sample size to the buyer. This size is determined to be sufficient for quality and compatibility testing purposes.

iv. Delivery to Registered Address: The sample will be sent to the buyer's registered address as per the details provided in the sample request form.

v. Objective of Providing Samples: The provision of samples is designed as a preliminary step towards establishing a reliable and long-term business relationship with potential buyers.

vi. Terms of Sample Provision: The offering of samples is subject to our current sample availability and is at the discretion of BSB Fortrade LLP. We reserve the right to limit or refuse sample requests based on our assessment of the request's validity and our stock availability.

20. Freight Inquiry 

i. Definition of Freight Inquiry: A Freight Inquiry is a formal request initiated by a buyer or supplier through our B2B portal, intended to gather information for the transportation of goods. This inquiry is an essential component of the logistics planning process in the trade of plastic raw materials.

ii. Details Required in a Freight Inquiry: The inquiry should specify key details such as the type of goods, their quantity, the intended destination, and the preferred mode of transportation (e.g., air, sea, road, rail).

iii. Scope of Inquiry: The Freight Inquiry also covers requests for information about shipping costs, estimated transit times, and additional services that may be required, such as insurance or customs handling.

iv. Comparison of Freight Services: Through our B2B portal, users are able to submit Freight Inquiries to compare different freight service providers. This comparison is crucial for selecting the most cost-effective and efficient transportation options.

v. Role in Trade Negotiations: The Freight Inquiry serves as the starting point for negotiations and arrangements between the trading parties and freight service providers. It helps streamline the logistics aspect of the trade process, ensuring smooth and efficient transportation of goods.

vi. Facilitation by BSB Fortrade LLP: BSB Fortrade LLP facilitates this process by providing a platform for submitting and managing Freight Inquiries, aiding in efficient logistics planning and execution.

21. Jurisdiction 

i. Scope of Jurisdiction: This jurisdiction clause applies to any disputes arising out of or in connection with the use of the B2B portal 'www.bsbfortrade.com', operated by BSB Fortrade LLP. This includes disputes related to or arising from transactions conducted between buyers and suppliers registered on the portal.

ii. Exclusive Jurisdiction: All such disputes shall fall exclusively under the jurisdiction of the courts located in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Users of the portal, by engaging in activities on the portal, agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of these courts for the resolution of any disputes.

iii. Governing Law: The laws of India will govern the interpretation, validity, and effect of this agreement and any use of the portal. This applies irrespective of the geographical location or nationality of the users.

iv. Intent of Jurisdiction Policy: The purpose of this jurisdiction policy is to provide certainty and predictability in legal matters concerning the use of the B2B portal. It is intended to facilitate a reliable and secure environment for conducting online trade activities.

v. Acceptance of Jurisdiction: By using the portal, parties acknowledge and accept this jurisdiction clause as part of the terms and conditions of using the service provided by BSB Fortrade LLP.

22. Payment terms clarity 

i. Policy Overview: BSB Fortrade LLP enforces a strict payment policy to ensure secure and reliable transactions on our B2B portal, www.bsbfortrade.com. This policy applies universally to all transactions between buyers and suppliers engaging in online trading on our platform.

ii. Payment Against Loading Time Weight Report: Our payment policy mandates 100% payment against the Loading Time Weight Report. This report is a crucial document that confirms the quantity and quality of the goods at the time of loading.

iii. Buyer's Payment Obligation: Upon issuance of the Loading Time Weight Report, buyers are required to complete the full payment for the goods. This payment should align with the terms outlined in the report and agreed upon in the transaction.

iv. Guarantee of Transparency and Trust: This payment approach is designed to guarantee transparency and trust in every transaction conducted on our portal. It safeguards the interests of both buyers and suppliers by ensuring that payment is directly tied to verified shipment details.

v. Adherence to Payment Policy: It is imperative for all parties involved in the transactions to adhere strictly to this payment policy. Compliance with this policy is essential for maintaining the integrity and smooth operation of our trading platform.

23. TCS clarity 

i. Definition of TCS: Tax Collected at Source (TCS) refers to the tax levied in India on the sale of goods or services. In this mechanism, the seller is responsible for collecting the tax from the buyer at the point of sale.

ii. Application of TCS: TCS is applicable to specific transactions, including the sale of certain goods and provision of certain services, as outlined in the Income Tax Act, 1961. The mechanism is aimed at collecting tax at the source from individuals or business entities making payments.

iii. TCS Rate Variability: The rate of TCS varies depending on the nature of the goods or services sold. These rates are determined by the Indian Income Tax Department and are subject to change as per governmental regulations.

iv. Compliance Requirement for Businesses: Businesses operating in India, such as BSB Fortrade LLP, which run B2B portals, are required to comply with TCS regulations. This compliance involves ensuring that the appropriate tax is collected from transactions and duly remitted to the government.

v. BSB Fortrade LLP's TCS Responsibilities: BSB Fortrade LLP is committed to adhering to TCS regulations in all applicable transactions on our portal. This involves calculating, collecting, and remitting the correct amount of TCS to the government, in accordance with the prevailing laws and rates.

vi. Contribution to National Tax Framework: By complying with TCS regulations, BSB Fortrade LLP plays a crucial role in India’s tax collection framework, contributing to the nation's fiscal policies and obligations.

24. GST clarity 

i. Understanding GST: In India, the Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a comprehensive, multi-stage, destination-based tax levied on every value addition. It integrates various central and state taxes into a single tax system, aiming to eliminate the cascading effect of taxes.

ii. GST Registration Requirement: Businesses with an annual turnover exceeding INR 40 lakhs (INR 20 lakhs for special category states) are mandated to register under GST as a normal taxable person. This registration is crucial for the legal operation of a business under Indian tax law.

iii. Components of GST: GST is categorized into CGST (Central GST), SGST (State GST), and IGST (Integrated GST). CGST and SGST are levied on intra-state transactions, while IGST is levied on inter-state transactions.

iv. GST Compliance for Online B2B Portal: For businesses like BSB Fortrade LLP, operating an online B2B portal, compliance with GST involves charging the appropriate GST rate on transactions and filing regular GST returns.

v. Tax Implications Based on Location: Since BSB Fortrade LLP is based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, transactions within the state of Gujarat will attract CGST and SGST. In contrast, inter-state transactions will be subject to IGST.

vi. Transparency in GST Charging: BSB Fortrade LLP ensures transparency in the charging of GST on transactions. All invoices will clearly mention the GST component, categorized as CGST, SGST, or IGST as applicable, in compliance with the GST laws.

25. Supplier disclosure clarity 

i. Mandatory Supplier Information: Suppliers registering on www.bsbfortrade.com are obligated to provide comprehensive and accurate information regarding their business. This includes the company name, registration details, contact information, and any other pertinent business information.

ii. Product or Service Details: Suppliers must clearly disclose the nature of the products or services they offer. This includes detailed specifications, quality standards, and compliance with relevant laws and industry regulations.

iii. Transparency in Pricing: Suppliers are expected to be transparent about their pricing models. This entails outlining clear pricing structures, payment terms, and any applicable taxes or additional fees.

iv. Conflict of Interest Declaration: Suppliers are required to declare any potential conflicts of interest or affiliations that may influence their business dealings on the platform. This is crucial for maintaining a fair and unbiased trading environment.

v. Regular Updates on Disclosure: To ensure ongoing trust and integrity within the BSB Fortrade LLP trading ecosystem, suppliers are responsible for regularly updating their disclosure information. This helps maintain accuracy and reliability in the information provided to buyers and other stakeholders.

vi. Compliance with Platform Standards: All supplier disclosures must comply with the standards and guidelines set by BSB Fortrade LLP. Failure to comply may result in penalties or removal from the platform.

26. Unloading time expenses clarity 

i. Definition of Unloading Time Expenses: Unloading time expenses encompass all costs incurred during the process of offloading goods from transportation vehicles at the destination point. These are crucial elements in the overall logistics and cost management of the trading process.

ii. Components of Unloading Expenses:

· Labor Costs: This includes the expenses for workers involved in the physical unloading of goods.

· Equipment Rental Fees: Costs associated with renting machinery such as forklifts, cranes, or any other equipment used in the unloading process.

· Demurrage Charges: If the unloading process exceeds the scheduled time, demurrage charges may apply.

· Storage and Handling Costs: Any costs related to the storage and handling of goods during the unloading phase, particularly if special handling or temporary storage is necessary.

iii. Calculation of Costs: These expenses are typically calculated based on the duration of the unloading process, with longer unloading times potentially leading to higher costs.

iv. Impact on Operational Flow and Cost Efficiency: Efficient management of unloading time expenses is critical for businesses like BSB Fortrade LLP, as it directly influences the cost efficiency and operational flow of the B2B portal transactions.

v. Responsibility for Unloading Expenses: The terms and conditions should clearly outline who bears the unloading time expenses - whether it's the buyer, seller, or shared between both parties, depending on the agreed terms of the trade.

vi. Disclosure and Agreement: Full disclosure and agreement on unloading time expenses should be established between the trading parties prior to the execution of the transaction to avoid misunderstandings and ensure smooth logistical operations.

27. Packaging material Tear and wear clarity 

i. Definition and Importance:

· Clarity in Resilience and Durability: Packaging material tear and wear clarity refers to the resilience and durability of packaging materials against physical damage during handling, transit, and storage.

· Protection and Integrity of Goods: This characteristic is essential for ensuring that goods are adequately protected and their integrity is maintained throughout the supply chain, especially for environmentally sensitive or securely contained products.

ii. Level of Tear and Wear Clarity:

· Indicators of Packaging Strength: A high level of tear and wear clarity indicates that the packaging is capable of withstanding various stresses, such as stretching, tearing, and abrasion, while maintaining its protective function.

iii. Significance for Online Trading Platforms:

· Essential for Product Selection on Platforms like www.bsbfortrade.com: Understanding the tear and wear properties of packaging materials is critical for businesses selecting appropriate packaging solutions that suit the nature of their products.

iv. Impact on Transportation and Customer Satisfaction:

· Durability Information for Efficient Transportation: Adequate information about the durability of packaging materials aids in ensuring efficient and safe transportation of products.

· Enhancing Customer Satisfaction: The right choice of packaging materials can significantly enhance customer satisfaction by ensuring products are delivered in their best condition.

v. Compliance and Disclosure:

· Supplier Responsibility: Suppliers on www.bsbfortrade.com are required to provide clear information regarding the tear and wear properties of their packaging materials.

· Transparency in Packaging Quality: Transparency in disclosing the quality and durability of packaging is crucial for building trust and ensuring that buyers are well-informed about the packaging standards of the products they purchase.

28. News Letter / offer clarity 

i. Purpose and Accessibility:

· Enhancing Online Trading Experience: BSB Fortrade LLP's newsletter and offers, available through our B2B portal 'www.bsbfortrade.com', aim to enhance the online trading experience for buyers and suppliers in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

ii. Content of Newsletters:

· Timely Updates and Industry Insights: Our newsletters will provide subscribers with regular updates, valuable industry insights, and exclusive opportunities, keeping them abreast of the latest market trends and offerings.

iii. Exclusive Offers for Registered Users:

· Special Discounts and Early Access: Offers communicated through our newsletters are exclusive to our registered users, featuring special discounts, early access to new products, and customized solutions tailored to their specific requirements.

iv. Commitment to Data Privacy:

· Privacy Standards and Usage of Information: We adhere to the highest standards of data privacy. Subscriber information will solely be used for delivering pertinent content and offers.

v. Policy Changes and Subscriber Notification:

· Transparency in Policy Updates: Our newsletter and offer policies are subject to modifications. Subscribers will be promptly notified of any significant changes to ensure ongoing transparency and trust in our services.

vi. Opt-in and Opt-out Options:

· Voluntary Subscription: Subscription to our newsletters is entirely voluntary, with options for users to opt-in or opt-out at their discretion.